Whatever your level of career or professional status, myCVmentor can help you to realise the power of your Personal Brand:
Students/Graduates/Job Starters – £225
Your work, apprentice or internship experience is minimal.
How will your CV stand out from hundreds of applicants?
Young Professionals – £325
You have two-three years experience in the workplace and are ready for your next, big step.
How do you define what makes you special? How can you harness the power of your Personal Brand?
Mid-level Professionals – £475
With around ten years experience; you may be stuck in a rut and need a new professional challenge.
How do you package your talents for maximum impact?
Senior Executives – from £875
With 15-20 years experience, you have peaked in your current position. You are ready for a significant career move or need to make a dramatic life change.
Do you have time to think about how, by defining your Personal Brand, and rewriting your CV, could help you achieve your where next?
We can also help you with:
- Your LinkedIn profile
- Covering letters
- Job applications
Read what our clients have to say: